$523,211Estimated home value
Who owns this home?
Learn how this information can help you negotiate
- Beds
- 3
- Baths
- 2.0
- sq ft
- 1,488
106 W Cayuga St, Tampa, FL 33603
106 W Cayuga St
TAMPA, FL 33603
- Sold On 9/4/2020
- Price drop $4,000↓
Property type
Est. home value
Lot size
Price per sq ft
Year built
Annual property taxes
Price History
StellarMLS #TB8305522
StellarMLS #TB8305522
StellarMLS #T3232812
Schools & Community
South Seminole Heights
Elementary school:
Middle school:
High school:
Seller’s Loan History
Before you make an offer, understand who you are negotiating with so you can tailor your negotiation strategy to their situation.
Loan start date
Original loan amount
Est. remaining balance
Interest rate
Loan type
Loan start date
Original loan amount
Est. remaining balance
Interest rate
Loan type
Source: Public records data
If you're the owner, you can request to remove loan details. Email listingsupport@tomo.com
How insights can help you
If the seller has a low interest rate, they may be tempted to rent the property out if they can't get the price they have in mind.
MotivationIf the seller already got a job in a different city, they may feel pressure to sell quickly to free up cash for a new home.
EquityIf the seller stands to receive a large amount of cash when they sell the property, they might be willing to negotiate on the offer price.
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Status: Off Market
Tomo last checked: 12/23/2024 at 1:40 PM
Listing updated: 09/20/2023 at 8:57 AM
Listed by: Jeffrey Long, KELLER WILLIAMS SOUTH TAMPA Phone #: (813) 875-3700
MLS: StellarMLS #T3232812
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